Discover the beauty, simplicity and most of all the freedom of
working from home...

..and all the benefits that come with it.

If you are searching for the perfect solution to end the misery of your 9-to-5 job, then read what I have to share with you today.

Hello and Welcome,

     It was an almost snowy evening, way back in December of 1998, when I came across some material during a search on the Internet.

     Sort of like what you are doing right now.   That evening changed my life forever.

     Up until that day I was in a normal 9 to 5 job, working on commission, selling fish (frozen) of all things, to buyers all over the world.  Egypt, Trinidad, Poland, Japan, Canada and a bunch of other places.

     But that day opened my eyes to direct marketing.  What is that you ask?

     Nothing more than reaching out to prospective buyers of whatever it is you're selling and convincing them via the written word that your product is the best product in the world and they should buy it.

     Sounds easy enough, doesn't it?  But there are just a few more details that are needed.

     And that's when the fun started.

Did you know that Elon Musk had to pay $10M for the domain name all because someone else had already registered it?

     Sometimes being in the right place at the right time can make all the difference in the world to not only your present situation but your future as well.

     Let me explain.

     And, by the way, when you get done reading what I have to say, your are going to do one of two things:

Run for the hills as fast as you can...


Do something that might change the way
your life is treating you this very moment!

     Sorry to get so melodramatic just now, but I need your attention.

     Did you know that a large percentage of readers won't even make it this far on the page?

     If you are still reading, I congratulate you.  You are part of the 3.4% that arrived at this page because of a few, yet normal things.

Your looking to see if this might be a "life changing" situation for you.
The car payment is coming due in 4 days and your are wondering if you are going to be able to pay it.
Your children's sneakers are just a bit worn out but the are begging you for a new pair.
You have been inflicted with "shiny object syndrome" and your credit card is nearing the point of being maxed out.
The recent purchase you made for the product that was guaranteed to make you $10,000 a month just ain't happening.
You have tried just about everything and nothing seems to work.
Your looking for a side-hustle to make a bit of extra cash.
Your bills are piling up and an extra $1,000 this month will help you.

What is a good parttime work from home job?

     I asked that exact question at and these are just a few of the responses I got.  Do any of these resonate with you?

What are good part time work from home jobs?
What are good part time jobs from home?
What jobs can you do from home part time?
What jobs are best to work from home?
What is a good part time job for a stay at home mom?
What are the best part time work from home jobs in Canada?
What is a good paying work from home job?
What is the best part time work from home jobs for students?
What is the best part time work from home jobs for moms?
What is a good part time job if I live in the UK?

     And the list goes on and on....

     There are actually many ways.  At least that is what I found out doing a bit of research over the past 12 months.

      Sure I tried a few. And you bet some didn't work out as I had wanted them to. In fact, they failed, and failed miserably.

      But things changed when I got my hands on a book that was being offered for FREE from a well known and well respected internet marketer.

      In that book I discovered a few key principles that changed my whole mindset about making money online and from home!

      I'll share the link later so you can get the book for yourself, but let me fill you in on what I got out of the book.

You need your own product.
You need a list to sell it to.
You need to build your list all the time.
Rinse and Repeat.

Pretty simple concept, don't you think?

     So how does one "get" their own product.

      That is the easy part.

      Did you know that there are thousands of digital products that are already created that you can simply make a few changes to, add your name and then sell it?


      And the list of products grows daily. You will never be without a product or a new product, or another product.

     And this isn't drop shipping or Amazon marketplace or anything like that. I guess it could be, but I haven't look at that angle. 

This is about email-marketing.

     Because I'm going to share with you one of the most effective ways to start building your list at NO COST, or as an alternative at a very low cost, whatever your budget can afford.

     And it won't take you long to start seeing results.

Here's what you're about to learn...

     There is a method that allows you to start collecting emails immediately without investing a single penny into marketing or advertising.

      This method gives you the opportunity to start getting instant traffic, leads, and sales within days, and weeks.

      You can use this method in conjunction with any form of marketing.

      And this is a great way to start building your list.

But where do I get started?

     There is always that issue that arises when something new is introduced.

      Where or how do I get started?

      If you will allow me to, I would like to show you exactly how to get started building a list.

      In fact, I had my list up to almost 4,000 subscribers in just under 3 weeks.

      You might do it faster, but the one thing that is for sure, is that you have to start!

      I have written and created a simple book that will do through all of the simple and easy ways that there are to growing your list and starting your own online business.


The book is titled:


Email Marketing: The #1 Ridiculously
Easy Way To Grow Your Business

     It is a highly effective digital marketing strategy. Effective email marketing convert prospects into customers, and turns one-time buyers into repeat customers and raving fans.

      Email marketing is the most direct and effective way of connecting with your leads, nurturing them, and turning them into customers, consistently winning out over all other marketing channels.

      In this guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process of setting up your email marketing funnel so that you can acquire leads and generate sales, 24/7.

      This guide is for those who’re ready to commit to email marketing. If you’re unsure, you may want to read this guide on why you need to build an email list RIGHT NOW!

And the best part is that is has nothing to do with:

  • Drop-Shipping
  • Blogging
  • Book Arbitrage
  • Store-Fronts
  • Posting Video's on Social Media

     Here is what the table of contents looks like: 

  1. Why Email Marketing Is Important
  2. Why Email Marketing Works
  3. Email Marketing Glossary
  4. How Email Marketing Works
  5. Growing Your Email List
  6. How To Create An Optin Form That Converts
  7. What Email Markting Serice Is Best?
  8. Segmenting Your Email List
  9.  Improving Email Open Rates
  10. Automating Your Email Marketing With Autoresponders
  11. Why Having A Coach or Mentor is Essential

     As well as a multi-page Bonus section that provides some links to some of the best software/courses and products that I personally used to build my business.

     But there is one thing for sure.

You Just Need To Get Started.

     I definitely wanted my first product to be affordable.

      I did put a bit of time into it and didn't want to sell if for $100 a pop.

      Didn't even want to sell it for $49 or even $29 per book.

      I wanted it to be affordable for a few reasons.

      1. If you are able to get at least one important benefit from reading it, then it will be worth it to you. Personally, I think you will gain so much inside knowledge about email marketing just by reading it, that you will be teaching it to others like I am.

      2. If you purchase this book, there is a good chance that you will follow me, subscribe to my daily newsletter, buy more products from me, ask me to Coach you...the possibilities are endless.

      So here is my proposal for you today.

      If you have made it this far down the page, I have a feeling that you are itching to see what I have created in this book.

      The bonus section in the back of the book is worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, as you might spend years before you are shown this material.

      In all that time, you could be missing out on the greatest opportunity of your lifetime.


     Think about this.

     You wake up each day.

      Make your coffee or tea.

      Open up your email on your computer.

      Prepare an email and send it along to your list of 200, 500, 5000 subscribers. However big your list is.

      Then you go about your day.

      What is in that email is what is important.

      It will contain a short story.

      About something that happened to you the other day.

      About your pet that chewed your remote and the channel is stuck on DOG.TV

      About that pleasant waitress that said something that just made your day.

      In fact, if you can't think of anything, get hooked up with some AI programs that can help you think of what to day.


Thankfully, all of this has been written by myself without the need of AI.

      But that is coming into our lives. Embrace it and use it to your advantage.

      Nuf said!

      Let's get to the meat and potatoes if you will.

      My book is 46 pages long.   It contains no less than 10,844 words.

      You might read it in one sitting, but it is meant to act as a catalyst to get you thinking and doing!

      It has facts and figures on why email marketing is the best method to get started.

      It has links for free and trial programs to guide you as you get going.

     It will lay down exactly what I used and why it works.

      It will have some really cool advanced learning links that will jump start your business like no other.

     I might be kicking myself in the rear for letting this go at such a ridiculous price, but I have already committed to it so here it is:

      The book is going to cost $5

      I know, but I have some additional bonuses that I think might interest you.

     Bonus 1: I am close to launching my first Members Only Private Site. Inside of the site you will have access to ALL of the PLR (Private Label Rights) material that I own or can give away so that you can create your own digital product. The site will have a monthly fee when it launches, but I will give you the first 30 days FREE to browse around and see if it is a fit for you. There will be various Courses that I have been working on as well as all of the newest PLR digital products that you can download and use.     VALUE $495

     Bonus 2: Insiders Private weekly meetings. Each week I plan to have scheduled gatherings of all the members to openly share an help each other so that we can all become success stories. This will be part of the Insiders Group but you can attend for the first month at no cost.      VALUE $99/Month

     Bonus 3:
FREE Coaching from me for a full 90 days. That should be plenty of time to get all your questions answered and to get over the humps in the road and the obstacles that you might come across. My coaching costs $200 per hour, but you will get me for a full 90 days, email, text, phone or zoom. Whatever you need. I will be there.      VALUE $200

     Bonus 4:  Access to my PRIVATE Roladex of Solo Ad Providers.  I normally don't share this information but if you are serious about email marketing, you need to get in touch with these PRIVATE sellers of mine.  The only stipulation is that you don't share this list with anyone else.  It's that PRIVATE and I might even ask you to sign a stipulation agreement before I had this list over.      VALUE $1500

     Bonus 5:  Access to my library of PLR (Private Label Rights) products that you can revise a little, slap your own name on and sell them for whatever you want.  This library of mine grows each week.  Hundred's, if not Thousands of these PLR's.  From Affiliate Marketing, Animals, Business, Children, Computers, Crafts and Hobbies, Education, Entertainment, Food and Cooking, Gardening,  Health, House & Home, Images, Internet, Love, Marketing, Mobile, Money, Psyhcology, Relationships, Sports & Outdoors, Technology, Travel, Website Design, WordPress Plugins, WordPress Themes and more.   26,563 in all and growing.   VALUE:  PRICELESS!



Ready to get started?


     Click the link below and for $5.00 and a little reading time you can get ready to change your life!

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This product comes with a FULL 365 Day Money Back Guarantee.  If at anytime within the first full year after purchase, you decide that the book was not what you had wanted, you can request a full refund of the amount paid.

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